
Sustainability targets

Description: It is ICA Gruppen’s conviction that all commercial activity must take place under humane conditions. ICA Gruppen’s supplier agreements contain special provisions regarding human rights. Social audits of suppliers in high-risk countries that produce ICA Gruppen’s corporate brand products are conducted on site. The audits are to be performed according to a model approved by the Group or using ICA Gruppen’s own social audit tool. In 2018 a decision was taken that at least 90% of the suppliers of ICA Gruppen’s corporate brand products in high-risk countries must have had an approved social re-audit by year-end 2020.

Outcome: The outcome for the target 100% of the suppliers of ICA Gruppen’s corporate brand products in high-risk countries will be socially audited was 95% at the end of 2019. During the year, the focus has been to ensure a valid social follow-up audit, which has resulted in a positive trend for the ­target of re-audits. The outcome was 87% at the end of the year.

Description: Customers should feel safe shopping with ICA Gruppen. ICA Gruppen’s focus on quality includes ensuring that suppliers have safe production processes. This is done through provisions in agreements with all suppliers. Suppliers of the Group’s corporate brand products are also required to have certification according to a standard accepted by the Group.

Outcome: The outcome at the end of the year was 87%. During the year operations has focused on reaching the target which has affected the trend positively. Further force will be added to reach the target at the end of 2020.

Description: Helping customers to feel good and guiding them to make healthy choices is a priority for ICA Gruppen, partly because customers call for it and partly because the Group, as a major player, has a great opportunity to positively impact people’s health. Success in achieving this goal is monitored through customer surveys.

• In the 2019 Customer Satisfaction Index, ICA Sweden came in second place among Swedish grocery retailers when respondents answered the question “Who inspires me to eat healthily”.
• According to a Nielsen Omnibus survey in November, Rimi ended up in second place in Estonia and Lithuania and first place in Latvia when respondents associated a grocery retail actor with the claim “Offering healthy products and guiding customers to choose a healthier lifestyle”.
• Apotek Hjärtat came in second place in the pharmacy industry in the Nepa Brand Attribute survey in the end of 2019 when the respondents were asked to associate a pharmacy with the claim “Easy to make healthy choices”.

Description: Climate change affects everyone. To contribute to the UN’s goal to limit global temperature rise, ICA Gruppen has a target that its operations will be climate neutral by 2020. The target includes the climate impact caused by operations at stores, pharmacies, warehouses and offices. This is to be achieved by constantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions and through increased resource efficiency. The climate impact that cannot be eliminated from operations by 2020 will be offset in 2021.

In 2018 an additional target was added: that suppliers accounting for 70% of ICA Gruppen’s upstream climate impact are to have adopted science-based climate targets by 2025 at the latest. At the end of 2019 the outcome was 24%.

Outcome: Since the base year 2006 ICA Gruppen’s direct emissions of greenhouse gases have been reduced by 67% thanks to long-term efforts in the areas of energy, refrigerants and goods transport. The main reason for the sustained reduction in 2019 was switching to refrigerants with a lower climate impact in the Swedish and Baltic stores and the transition to renewable energy throughout Rimi Baltic from the fourth quarter.

Description: Food accounts for about a quarter of humanity’s total impact on the climate and it is therefore of utmost importance to take care of and properly handle the food that is produced. Accordingly, in 2019 ICA Gruppen decided to adopt a new Group target: to cut food waste from warehouses and stores in both Sweden and the Baltic countries in half by 2025 compared with the base year 2016. Food waste will be measured using an international standard created by the FLW Protocol (Food Loss and Waste Protocol). A few important factors in order to reach the new ­target include smarter algorithms for sourcing, producing circular products and having procedures and tools for early identification of food that is at risk of being wasted.

Outcome: In 2019, a method for monitoring and reporting has been developed. A zero measurement for 2016 has also been carried out to be used as the base year and starting point for the target. Work to reduce the occurrence of food waste has continued, among other things through better purchasing processes and registration, follow-up and cause analysis of food waste. Since the base year 2016, food waste from warehouses and stores has been reduced by 7%.